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  1. Please register online by filling in the Registration Form .

  2. After filling in this online form, please settle the registration fee by international bank draft (non-local participants), cheque (local participants) or by credit card using the Credit Card Payment Authorization Form. If you can provide proof of air travel, you can settle the payment in person at the conference.

  3. We will send you a confirmation email after we receive your registration. If you are going to pay the registration fee by cheque / bank draft / credit card, you will receive another confirmation email after the receipt of your payment is confirmed.


The deadline of registration is 21 October 2016.


Registration Fee




* Exchange rate: 1 HKD = 7.8 USD




Payment Methods


  • For payment by cheque / bank draft:

  1. The cheque / bank draft should be made payable to "Hong Kong Baptist University" and the conference participant's name should be clearly indicated on it.

  2. The cheque / bank draft should be sent to the Department Office (AST801), Department of Music, Sing Tao Building, Ho Sin Hang Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.


  • For payment by credit card:

       Please fill in and sign the Credit Card Payment Authorization Form and return it by            email to


  • For payment in person (for non-local participants only):

      Participants who chose to pay to in person when attending the conference have to           provide proof of air travel (e.g. receipt of the purchased air tickets or electronic                 itinerary) with full name, by email to


Department of Music

Hong Kong Baptist University

© 2016 by Hong Kong Baptist University.

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