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The International Conference on Performance and Creativity will be hosted by Hong Kong Baptist University from Monday 31 October to Wednesday 2 November, 2016.


The conference provides a forum for an exchange of ideas and concepts pertinent to musical performance and creativity, as well as factors intertwined with the development of musical creativity in the 21st century. We welcome proposals that explore innovative approaches in musical performance, newer approaches of performance pedagogy, and the latest development in historically-informed performance. All presentations must be given in English.


Keynote participants include (In alphabetical order) : 


The organizing committee invites proposals for:
•    Individual presentations of 20 minutes in duration (followed by 10 minutes of discussion). 
•    Lecture-recitals of 30 minutes in duration (including 5 minutes of discussion)
•    Workshops of 30 minutes in duration (including discussion)


Individuals may submit one proposal (in English) in the form of an abstract of not more than 250 words. Acceptance of proposals will be at the discretion of the organizing committee. Presenters will typically be grouped into themed sessions of three to four presentations per theme.


The abstract should include information under the following headings:

Institutional affiliation
Postal address 
Email Address
Presentation type (paper, lecture–recital, etc.) 
Abstracts (in Microsoft Word format) shall be emailed to:


The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 August 2016.

Presenters will be notified of the acceptance decision by 31 August 2016.


Please send all queries to 

Department of Music

Hong Kong Baptist University

© 2016 by Hong Kong Baptist University.

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