2016 International Conference on
Sounds, Images, and Texts on China's Periphery
18 September 2016 - 20 September 2016
Film Screening - WLB109, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus, HKBU
Concert - AST916, Au Shue Hung Building, Ho Sin Hang Campus, HKBU
Conference - AST916, Au Shue Hung Building, Ho Sin Hang Campus, HKBU
Laikwan PANG (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Topic: Modernizing Xinjiang Culture: Below the Kezile Mountain as “Xinjiang’s” First Novel
The Uyghur is a very musical people, and their most elaborate forms of cultural expression are music and poetry. This paper, however, is devoted to one of the most alienating mode of cultural production to the people: novel. I will examine closely the Chinese novel titled Below the Kezile Mountain 《克孜勒山下》 written by 柯尤慕.吐爾迪. It was published in 1974, and is widely claimed as the first book-length novel written by a Uyghur writer. It was first written in the Uyghur language, and professionally translated into Han Chinese. I will examine the “modernization” impulses in this novel by examining its emulation discourse: the Uyghur must learn from the Han Chinese to become a modern people. With the training provided by the CCP, the Uyghur would learn how to conduct their revolution, and they would also learn how to write a novel. It was assumed that only through a particular type of narrative emphasizing casual relationships can history be articulated, and a particular future became accessible.
Ming-wei PENG (National Chiao Tung University)
Topic: 我們要如何向台灣原住民族道歉?:一位外省漢人作家關曉榮介入原住民運動之路
(How to Make an Apology to Taiwanese Aboriginal People? A Non-Taiwanese Han Writer Guan Xiaorun’s engagement in Taiwanese Aboriginal Movement since 1980s)
Niccolo PIANCIOLA (Lingnan University)
Topic: Making Sense of the Cultural Revolution in Xinjiang: Cross-Border Narratives